I never thought I would be telling other women to become a phone sex operator. But here I am, almost a year in and I love my job and I make great money. If you found this site then you have been thinking about it. Let me tell you if you have a sexy / cute voice and you can write then you just might have come to the right place. Everyone has a laptop these days and a landline is probably included with your internet and cable. Why not use that phone to support your family? Do you know how to flirt? Can you research basic fetishes? If I can do it you can too. I found this company as my first PSO job ever. I didn’t know how lucky I was making $1 and min. or even $1.10 a minute. That’s 60 dollars for every hour of talk time. I knew basic computer skills and was looking for a tech job when I saw how much I could make I applied. I have to work at home I have no other choice. I work mostly when my little family is out for the night. I write a lot to promote myself and I do many things to get my service noticed. Yes, I bust my but I am making my own hours and no one is breathing down my back so I can go at my own pace between calls. I do know that the best women work with me and lift each other up. We don’t do catty or get jealous. We all want each other to make great money. I warn you this is not for everyone, you must be open-minded and have great customer service skills. If you ever been told you have a sexy voice on the phone and have a strong work ethic apply today. I honestly do not know where I would be without WBMTT!