If you are looking for phone chat jobs that pay well and are drama free, WBMT is where you need to apply. We are a group of elite PSOs. We don’t hire as many girls as some companies do and we pay better than other companies too. After a few months, most girls are making $500 plus a week. And that is working from home, which means you can design your schedule and work as much or as little as you want. I will be honest though; this is not the best company for part time work. Most of the girls who work here, work 40-60 hours a week. You do have to commit week to week to a schedule, but it is hours you select, so there is never a need to ask off. I have worked 5 days a week, 7 day weeks and even some 4 day weeks too. I like the freedom of deciding my own schedule. WBMT is a flexible company. They will provide training to you. We are drama free and we work as a family. You do need to blog. This a high blogging company. It is the best way to make money both through pay rate and call volume. Join our team and be a part of the best phone sex company.