Phone sex jobs are the best!

Yet another girl who loves being part of our team…

Phone sex jobs is not as easy as you think it is. Working for our company you get paid for the effort you put in. I started this job as part time and ended up quitting my full time job and making this full time. I love the money. I love that my house is always clean. I am home everyday and I am able to spend time with my pets, work out, and keep a clean home. I am 24 and a stay at home wife. Doing phone sex works for me. Works for my relationship. My husband and I work hard and we live comfortably. The struggles of this job for me is the blogging. It has taken a LONG time for me to really grasp that the more I blog the more money I make. Things have definitely turned around now. I do 10 plus blogs a week. Working from home, doing calls and writing blogs has permitted me to work on my life! My husband and I are planning on moving to a different state and I’m not worried about finding another job. All I will need is internet and a phone line and bam! Back to work, talking to my regular clients and writing! After a year working as a phone sex operator, I have learned to leave work when I log out. Some calls are hard but others are so amazing and you learn a trick or two. Right now as I write this I am can look around and reach out to my dog, or my cats. I have laundry going, and relaxing on my big king size bed. Dinner is cooking and I am ready for my man to be home. Hell I was supposed to be off today, and I am here working because.. Why not?! I love my job!! And you would love it too!
hug and kisses,
Mrs. W.

Phone sex jobs are fun!

Thoughts from another member of our team…


I needed a job that was going to have great hours, that I could work from home and would also make me great money. I know impossible right. A friend of mine and I were joking around and came up with Phone sex jobs. At first it was a big joke and the more I looked into it the more I knew it was the job for me. I searched for How to be a phone sex operator on Google and came up with one answer. Just apply! I did and the job has turned into a career that I love. It is a lot of work, you have to be on top of your writing and familiar with basic photo editing software. The best part was they trained me in the areas I was unfamiliar with. You get out what you put in when it comes to this unique company. All of the girls are amazing and want to see you do well. The callers are awesome too! This career has wound up being everything I wished it to be and much much more. This company is real, The work is real and the money, real also!
Apply! I hope to talk to you soon!

Phone sex jobs

PSO jobs

Thoughts from another member of our team…


So, you’re thinking about becoming a phone sex operator and came across  the WBMT site. Well that is a great start! I have been in the industry for nearing a decade and love it. The role of a PSO requires some hard work and is not just moaning. In fact many of us are intelligent degree holding  creative individuals.
If you are willing to put in some hard work with creative writing and researching all kinds of fetishes then try us out. We are an anything goes, no taboo kind of deal so things get really interesting. You may or may not be surprised about some of the stuff  we talk about, and how much of an open mind you should have. No joking!
There is no sugar coating things here as this is not a get rich quick scheme or a place where you just sit back and wait for the phone to ring. That saying what you put into the job greatly determines what you will get out. Again, I want to reiterate that it does take time to start making money. If you are looking to make quick money you may be disappointed and this may not be for you.
You can be assured that you will get top notch training and support by the other women here. We work together and not against each other, like some other companies. Yes, there are companies out that that will have you competing with the other women of said company thus leading to alot of cattiness. We don’t work that way, we support each other and stay connected during our shifts in a company chat room. The only chat room you are required to be in is the company room for the girls online. This is not a chat room guys visit, it’s more like the virtual office.
If this sounds intriguing to you and you feel you can  thrive on being creative and willing to put in the effort, then do apply! This career choice is rewarding and has many perks. For instance, you need not worry about getting to work in bad weather or heavy traffic. No need to worry about fuel costs, wear and tear on your vehicle, or what to wear. You work from home, enough said.
You should have a good internet provider and a land line phone. Your phone should have a wired main phone with at least two cordless phones.  The need for the cordless phone extensions ensures you always have a charged phone available. Your internet connection should be reliable with a good speed, along with a decent computer to work from. And of course a quiet space free of any children.

Long time PSO

Comments from a long time employee-


Good PSO jobs are very hard to come by.  Excellent PSO jobs are almost impossible to find.  Luckily for you, you have decided to check out WBMT.

I have worked here for almost two years after working for companies that were “okay” but NOT excellent by any means.  Did I make money? Yes.  Did I get along with the other contractors? Yes.  Was everything Hunky Dorey? Not in the least.  No matter how much money one makes if you do not enjoy the place you are working for due to lack of attention from owners, or gossip, or the ever popular ‘drama’ then that place quickly becomes a dreaded entity.  One where you just do not want to go to work anymore.

I have worked at places for years just sucking it up, because I was making money.  Then I became burned out so I left the business.

When I came back I applied here, and I have to say, you will never, ever find another company where all the contractors get along like we do here.  There is no backstabbing, no gossip, nothing negative stated about another.  You can always get in touch with either the Manager or Owner if you need to.

Now is it all rainbows and sunbeams streaming out of your ass? No, there is work.  A lot of work.  You must answer emails, IMs, blog, stick to your schedule, be positive, and just want to do well.

We are also paid well.  You are actually rewarded for blogging! Who does that? Nobody, except for WBMT.

I myself have had personal issues where I have had to take off for long periods of time.  Any other company would of kicked my beautiful butt out, but the Owner here is very understanding.  She actually cares about her contractors.  Unfortunately, not many owners do.

If you are a hard worker, can put in the hours, and are willing to learn and be open to ideas then you should fill out the application.  I would love to work with you, and you would love working here at WBMT.

Last job you will ever want! Phone sex operator !

From another member of our team!

If you are like me, you have spent more then a few years looking for a way to make a decent income at home. For me the constant car problems and rising gas prices took a huge toll on my purse. I really wish I would have thought of this much sooner. I knew I could do it. So, how about you? You think you have what it takes to be a phone sex operator? Do you have an open mind? Do you have desire to take control of your income? Most importantly, are you able to devote full time hours to effectively market yourself? If you can answer yes to all of those questions, then you may just have what it takes to be a successful phone sex operator! Maybe this is the first site you came to during your search of adult help wanted ads. Maybe it is second or possibly third. For me, I found this site on my first search in. That was 11 months ago – I have not regretted one day that has gone by.
Full training is provided for you, at a pace that you set, for every aspect of being a successful phone sex operator. You will be walked through step by step of our: call procedures, billing, blogging & marketing, and how to submit your time sheet for the sweetest aspect of our job – paychecks! Weekly paychecks!
I am being honest when I say that this should be the last site you look at. Just read all of the testimonials from the other operators that love working for our team! We are family here, and would love to adopt you too! See you around the office!

Pso jobs!

Another dedicated employee !

Have you ever seen the episode of Family Guy where Louis is doing phone sex? Well I watched it one day sitting at home struggling to figure out how I was going to pay for rent. I applied not doing much research and now I am a phone sex operator. When I first started my PSO Job I had another job that wasn’t paying the bills. After a few months of slacking at my pso job and having a hard time at my other one I quit and went to PSO full time. It was hard, but I am so thankful now that I went full time at my PSO Job. It has taken time and consistency with blogging to get my minutes up. That is something I am still working on. But I make the same and more as I would working my ass off at some fast food place or office. I have every opportunity to make the money I want to make with this Job and I get to stay home in my pj’s!
I am able to keep up with my house work, laundry and I have 3 fur babies who I love spending time with. My fiance is totally ok with me being a pso. He works a full time job as a butcher and with me being home we have spent more time together than we have ever done in the last 2 years. When I get my blogs done I get to relax on my couch with my honey and our fur babies. We watch movies, tv, and eat dinner. When the phone rings I am more than happy to stop our movie to go make money and when I hang up I get to go back to my comfy couch.
In order to have success with this PSO job you need to blog! You need to stay on top of it. There are some hard calls you have but you are making great money while sitting on the phone. Its a easy 12 hours a day and if you do your blogs that 12 hours will feel like 4 . I love this Job. It has given me freedom, the chance to stay at home and the option to make money! I am 24 and self employed. I love my job.


Phone sex operator job fun!

Kind words from a long time employee of ours :


After two years of working as a phone sex operator I couldn’t be happier with my life, my income and the company I work for. Fuckalicious Freaks is the best phone sex site in the industry. We have a great support team in our management and we are truly a family here. There is no catty back stabbing or gossip among our crew.  Which is hard to find in this industry. We are paid more per minute than most companies and the owner always finds ways to encourage us to promote ourselves through contests and ways to earn extra money. The owner here is not only dedicated to the success of our company as a whole but to being able to empower the woman that work for her with success and financial independence.
We all know that nothing worth having in life is an easy ride and having a phone sex job is no different. While this job has perks like being able to work from the comfort of your own home, never coming out of your PJ’s if that is what you want, having a PSO job isn’t just about sitting on your duff and waiting for the phone to ring.
Just as with any other job you have to be willing to put in time and effort in order to be successful. However here at WBMT with the support you receive from the management and your coworkers there is absolutely no reason that you would not succeed, as long as you are willing to put in a reasonable amount of effort.
As with any job you must be reliable and work your scheduled shift. Of course the hours you are scheduled are hours that you have agreed you are available for. No one schedules you, like a normal job. You have to be willing to do your job, which is more then just answering the phone. You have to take time to do things like vote and blog.
The bottom line is if you are self motivated, reliable and dedicated to REALLY achieve financial independence then this company and every one in it will stand by you and provide you with all the tools you need to succeed.  I am not promising a pie in the sky over night pipe dream. But realistically if you are motivated and listen to the tips and tools given to you on how to be a successful phone sex operator, with in a few short months you will see the fruits of your effort. How far you go is directly related to how much your willing to put in to it, but the sky is the limit.
All the girls of Fuckalicious are here for you, should you choose to join us.~ Lita



PSO jobs

From another phone sex operator on our team :

In my small town, there isn’t much in the way of work that isn’t food or casinos. My husband works odd hours and I needed a career to work around them. Having 2 small kids and no daycare in town, this was proving to be impossible, until my friend recommended WBMT. I had never considered a job as a phone sex operator, but it sounded like fun and working from home was ideal for spending time with my toddler and bonding with the baby. The  training is extensive, and there are always wonderful employees around to ask my newbie questions to. I work around my kid’s sleep schedules; I put in the majority of phone time in when they’re in bed, I write blogs during naps, and if I randomly get a sitter mid-day, I can leave my phone on while getting housework done. I can honestly say this is the only job I’ve ever held where the pay you get is directly affected by the amount of work you put in. You have to market yourself, you have to bust your butt and put in hours. But you are trained and encouraged to do all of these things by awesome admins, you are not left to your own devices. If you are looking for a laid back yet hardworking job; if you are looking to save money and time on lunch and commuting; if you are looking for a career where you can make bank while hanging out in the comfort of your own home; if, let’s be honest, not wanting to wear a bra is stopping you from working, give WBMT a shot. You will love it!

Phone sex jobs

From another PSO on our team….


Ever wonder what a Phone sex operator does?  I had NO clue when I was hired what a PSO Job was. I thought I just had to moan or have a sexy voice. I had no idea that being a PSO is a real job. I was looking for something I could do at home. Something I could have fun with. And If I got lucky enough to make a little money, It was all good.  I was very shocked to learn how much I could really make. Of course I have to work hard for it! I have to blog everyday. And do my reports to get paid.  I was right about the fun though! Being a Phone sex operator is lots of fun. I love the company I work for. I love the girls I work with. AND I love the money I make.  I have pulled over 1000 minutes a week several times. And that is DAMN GOOD money! Of course not everyone can do it. Having a PSO Job has very little to do with your voice. This is a real job! You have to really work it. But the more you work it, The more money you make. Blogging everyday for your girls is very important.  A small little story that is well written is a blog.  The better written the more calls you get.  Working as many hours as you can to make those regulars. That makes a huge difference. Being professional is key. Everything you do BEFORE and AFTER the call makes you the money! I have worked for lots of PSO companies. WBMT is by far the BEST company!  So If you are looking for a PSO company to apply at. I would say apply here: .  I have worked here for over 2 years and I have NO plans on leaving EVER! I have never had a problem with pay. I have never had a problem with my bosses. There is NO Cattiness or bitchiness with the other girls. (It is NOT allowed). And lets face it… If you find a job you love and make lots of money at. What do you have to bitch about!

I love being a PSO!

From another great employee –


Phone sex jobs aren’t easy but they can be very very profitable when you put in the right amount of effort. You can’t expect to just sign in one day and have the calls rolling in though, it takes time and effort to really succeed at it but trust me, once you build up a good group of regular callers the money is great! I’ve been doing this for 4 years now and I pay all of my bills with the money I make here and I am the only income for a family of 4. Out of all of the phone sex companies out there, I think that WBMT is the best company to work for because there is no catty bullshit here, no drama or fighting between us. We are truly a family here and we all have each others back and believe me, that is a rare thing in this business so I really treasure it. You will have an opportunity here to really be successful if you work for it so why wait? Join the best phone sex company in the world, you won’t regret it!
Sincerely, LB