Phone sex operator job fun!

Kind words from a long time employee of ours :


After two years of working as a phone sex operator I couldn’t be happier with my life, my income and the company I work for. Fuckalicious Freaks is the best phone sex site in the industry. We have a great support team in our management and we are truly a family here. There is no catty back stabbing or gossip among our crew.  Which is hard to find in this industry. We are paid more per minute than most companies and the owner always finds ways to encourage us to promote ourselves through contests and ways to earn extra money. The owner here is not only dedicated to the success of our company as a whole but to being able to empower the woman that work for her with success and financial independence.
We all know that nothing worth having in life is an easy ride and having a phone sex job is no different. While this job has perks like being able to work from the comfort of your own home, never coming out of your PJ’s if that is what you want, having a PSO job isn’t just about sitting on your duff and waiting for the phone to ring.
Just as with any other job you have to be willing to put in time and effort in order to be successful. However here at WBMT with the support you receive from the management and your coworkers there is absolutely no reason that you would not succeed, as long as you are willing to put in a reasonable amount of effort.
As with any job you must be reliable and work your scheduled shift. Of course the hours you are scheduled are hours that you have agreed you are available for. No one schedules you, like a normal job. You have to be willing to do your job, which is more then just answering the phone. You have to take time to do things like vote and blog.
The bottom line is if you are self motivated, reliable and dedicated to REALLY achieve financial independence then this company and every one in it will stand by you and provide you with all the tools you need to succeed.  I am not promising a pie in the sky over night pipe dream. But realistically if you are motivated and listen to the tips and tools given to you on how to be a successful phone sex operator, with in a few short months you will see the fruits of your effort. How far you go is directly related to how much your willing to put in to it, but the sky is the limit.
All the girls of Fuckalicious are here for you, should you choose to join us.~ Lita



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