Phone sex Job!

I’ve been getting told that I have a sexy voice for years. They (friends, coworkers, random people on the phone) always told me I should look up how to be a phone sex operator and go get a job doing that! But I always thought they were crazy. First off, PSO jobs, so far as I knew, went to cute young girls with perky voices sounding sexy and cute, and I am… not cute. “Sultry,” maybe, but I didn’t think that an older mother could ever have hope to be a phone sex operator.

Boy was I wrong! First thing I learned about this job – there are guys looking for everything, and one of the first rules of this job is that you have to be able to GIVE them everything. And guys, well, one day they might look for a coed, one day they might look for a MILF. If they call you and hang up because they don’t like your voice, that doesn’t mean they might not call back another day and decide they like it. You just need to keep answering the phone.

And working. I gotta say, one of the best things about this job is that I can work from home and care for my kids. I’m always home for them. But I work harder and more hours for this job than I did when I was working two jobs. It pays off, though – in this job, you really see a reward for effort, and that reward is dollars, but you have to work it and keep working it! And that means blogging your little fingers off!

But if you want to make good money, and if you’re willing to work hard for it, this is a great job! However, if you want to just sit back and let the calls come to you and do no work whatsoever to market yourself, then go apply to a dispatch line. This job requires commitment, but the payoff is so much better!


Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

How to be a phone sex operator.

I have to say I am extremely glad I came across this company. I spent a week researching PSO jobs and how to be a phone sex operator. I was new to the industry and had no idea what company was going to be a good fit. I was worried about finding a “legit” company to work for where I could make money and there wouldn’t be integrity issues. I find myself incredibly blessed that I happened to find this company. I was immediately contacted and after the amazing owner talked to me, I was given the job opportunity. I was nervous and didn’t know what to expect or if I would be good at this. I was reassured and guided the whole way through. When I was nervous and had questions, I was immediately answered and helped. Everyone here is really like family and extremely welcoming. They help each other and work as a team. This is a job where you can make awesome money if you are a hard worker. You have to put in a lot of time and effort. But truthfully if you have ever had a w2 job that worked outside of your home, it can not even compare. I can honestly say this is the best opportunity in the world. I was someone who would work non-stop busting my butt. I would wake up at 4:30am and have to be at work by 5:30am and I wouldn’t get off until 9pm, If I was lucky. I was never home to clean, take care of myself, or see my husband. This job has made my life, so much more enjoyable. One thing you can never get back in this world is time. I spend time now in the comfort of my own home and can juggle whatever I have going on here. This is a job where you have complete control over how much money you make. You have to blog and you have to invest in this job(like any job). I worked in customer service, sales, child care, and administration jobs and this is by far the best job.  Other companies take money away from you that you make, don’t help their employees, and really some don’t even pay on time. I can honestly say working here I have not had to endure the horror experiences I read about online from how other companies treat their employees. Most people are not happy with their job or have to work really hard making ends meet. I am blessed to be part of this team. This is a job full of opportunities that don’t benefit solely one person. They pay on time, they care about you and help you, and you will actually get to have a life while making good money. You will love this company!

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

What are you Waiting for?

This is not going to happen without your application you know, so what are you waiting for?
Ask yourself what you want out of a job. I bet you say great company, wonderful coworkers, a chance to make a decent income, a way to set your own schedule, and job security. Well, what are you waiting for? That is THIS VERY JOB RIGHT HERE!
Don’t be fooled, you can not even think about any of that, without putting effort into it. But, if you find that the hard work actually makes a difference… don’t you work harder? I know I do. Phone Sex Jobs are just that!
So, what are you waiting for?


Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

Finding the right PSO Jobs!

Finding the right job has always been a struggle. I’m disabled, and sitting at my desk in an office with no breaks for eight hours has always been tough. I end up burning out after just a month or two, which is why for the last five years, I’ve only been working temp jobs part-time and making a pittance. My husband and I had been struggling since we’d met, and before I’d started this job, I was working about 5 hours a week for $9/hour. Not much of an income there!
We needed a change. We got to joking one day about how sultry my voice could be, and he said, “Well, why don’t you be a phone sex operator?” I thought he was joking at first, but we’d talked about it in the past. People had always jokingly told me I should be a phone sex operator, so I thought, maybe this would be a good fit! I Googled “How to be a phone sex operator” and I found a site that listed a bunch of different options for phone sex jobs. There were a bunch of different jobs available, but when I compared the pay rate to other phone sex jobs out there, WBMT looked like the best.
So when I applied and they called me back, I was thrilled! I’ve been here four months, and the biggest thing I’ve learned? You get out of it what you put into it. You need to work work work – this is not an easy job and not for a lazy gal. So, yes, I don’t have to sit at my desk for eight hours at a stretch, but when I get up to lay down in bed, I take my phone with me, and I take my tablet so I can blog. As a result, I work FAR more hours than I ever did when I was working for Corporate America, and I feel far healthier than I ever did before!
Plus, I love working from home! I can bug out for a few minutes to drop off or pick up my husband from the train station, take care of and play with my new kitten & older cat, make sure dinner is ready in time, keep the house clean, even watch a movie or play a computer game for a while if that’s what I want to do! But time I’m doing that is time I’m not writing, so that’s less income I make, so I always keep that in mind if I’m choosing to not write.
But the best thing I’ve learned about this job? It’s a sisterhood. I’ve worked for a number of companies that are fully staffed by woman, and they tend to be catty or there tends to be one woman or two who are just the head bitch that you just want to avoid. Not here. EVERYONE is nice, helpful, caring, and awesome! I love the women here, and everyone is so glad to work here, especially the long-time girls and the ones that used to work for other PSO companies. WBMT really is the best company out there!
Hope to meet you soon!


Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

Phone Sex Operator And Proud of it!

Phone sex operator is something that I am proud to say that I am. I am now able to live a lifestyle that I have only dreamed of. I still have plenty of time to have fun and be a regular person. Now it does take a lot of work to get clientele built up, but with WBMT’s training and guidance I was able to achieve all of the goals I set plus some. The other girls are amazing and supportive too. They help you learn and grow with all of the things you are required to do. I appreciate WBMT for everything that they have given me, including an amazing career that is flexible and fun!

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

Pso jobs !

Another one of our hard working girls comments…

I am not really the kind of girl that thought she would see herself in the “industry”. I saw a fun movie though and was finding a hard time finding a job. I was broke as a joke. The movie did not really tell you how to be a phone sex operator, so I found myself on my own in my department. I did not do anything for months. Just kept, searching and searching and then I decided to make my move. I must had put in over one hundred applications, and with every 20 applications as a phone sex operator, I only got one interview. I interviewed at several companies but their PSO’s and customers had nothing nice to say about most of the companies. Some of the companies had requirements I was not comfortable with. I was about done with searching for Phone sex jobs when I was contacted by management at WBMT. I was able to start shortly after that and fit right in with all of the other PSOs! Everyone was super helpful too. Another amazing thing is the money and payment was not only real but speedy. I get paid every week. The amount of money you make is up to you and how much work you are willing to do. It does require a lot of work to get a lot of money. It also does take time to build regular clientele, which I love and appreciate every single one. I am glad I applied at WBMT and I am so happy that that I was patient and hung in there. If you are thinking about this company and motivated to stick to a schedule working from home, than apply and I look forward to meeting you!

phone sex jobs

Phone sex operator – perks of being your own boss

Another girl who loves her job as a PSO with WBMT…

I would say the greatest thing about working here is the power to be your own boss , the art to be creative, the strength to lead and the love of a family that support and guide you along the way these are the greatest attributes of working at WBMT LLC. Sure it gets frustrating sometimes but nothing well obtained isn’t a little bothersome. I like the flexibility of working at home so I don’t have to beat traffic in the morning where I reside. I think that’s one of the biggest things. There are days that being a phone sex operator can be very challenging…
Those are the days I take a deep breath prepare my writing submissions and yes sometimes cry. There is nothing like a good cry that cleanses the soul and gives you the determination to trudge forward and be better! When I am not preparing my submissions I have the time to clean the house, talk to my neighbors children and influence their lives, and work on a project that is very dear to my heart. The one thing that sticks out the most is the time I can prepare studying for exams and other school things and taking the time to reflect on classes. Being a college student is pretty hectic, this gives me the time needed for study and creativity.
I will say this again you have to work hard to make it work for you but once you find that angle that glitch that keeps the spark in you to drive to succeed you start to pick up regular consumers like any other business. In fact this is your business and in order to be successful you have to work hard at it.Sure its frustrating, hard work at times but you have a team of supportive individuals that hug and get you back on top! These are your family future candidates and the best reason to apply here. The support they give you rises you to the top!

Job as a phone sex operator

Yet another girl who loves being part of our PSO team…

I have been a PSO (phone sex operator) for 5 years now. I am a single mother with bills I couldn’t pay. No real skill and a lot of time on my hands. I have had MUCH harder jobs I made much less money at. Being a phone sex operator IS not about moaning on the phone. You have to have a good imagination and be able to come up with new and exciting stories. PLUS. You have to be able to work for what you want. If I need to make double my pay I will double my blogs. And double my hours. And I make double my pay. I like the fact that I can choose what I earn. I have always been a hard worker. It has never really mattered at other jobs, but working for yourself means the more you put in. The more you get out! So If you think that being a Phone sex operator is easy. You sit at home and watch tv and answer the phone when it rings. This inst the job for you. If you are willing to spend several hours a day writing blogs. Then you can make good money working from home. As long as you know this is an ACTUAL Job! And if you are ACTUALLY willing to work. Then you make ACTUAL pay. My pay varies per week. I always make more than I made at wal-mart. Of course when I first started it was a little slower. But I would NEVER go back! Hell a few weeks ago I made more in one week than I would have made in 5 weeks at wal-mart. But I worked hard for it! And that is the key. If you want to work from home. And you are a hard worker. This is a great job! I have worked for other pso companies. Some are ok. But I have never made good money before. Not like I do at WBMT. So If you want a good job. And you know the meaning of working for your pay. This is a great job for you!

October loves WBMT

Another one of our family who loves her phone sex operator job with WBMTT LLC…

When I first typed phone sex jobs into my search engine honestly it was supposed to be a little bit of a joke with some friends of mine. I did not think that I would wind up as a phone sex operator and loving every minute of it. This is not a quick money maker either. You have to work for every cent you earn. You have to be able to write and blog your little fingers off. You have to have the self motivation to work while you are at work, even though you are sitting at your own house. You have to be willing to do the time and the rewards are many. The clients that call this company are amazing and I love being able to make each and every one of my callers happy. The longer that I am here and the more work I do the more I get out of it. So if you found yourself at this job application site it is for a reason. If you are willing to do the work and be a team member of the BEST PSO family ever than fill it out, hit enter and hopefully we will meet soon!

Phone sex operator – WBMTT values family!

Yet another phone sex operator who loves being part of our team…

Phone sex WBMT family values and traits are the best in the industry in my opinion.In Novmber, 2014 my mother went in to the hospital for a biopsy just to find out that there was an inoperable tumor in her right breast. They started radiation immediately and I began on my downward spiral of unpaid debt due to college and a pending divorce. Taking care of my mom was tough and of course the bills kept piling up. I must have went to a hundred job interviews in the area I live and because of the competiveness of the area it became pretty tough. You never know what hard times are until you go to a store try to get groceries and get a decline. What an embarrassing attribution of events. I was at my wits end and I was praying hard to make changes but with my mother in and out of chemo and it was pretty difficult times. For the hundredth time I looked through the craiglist ads and monster jobs and nothing new was coming up. I was devastated and on the verge of depression.
One of my friends by chance pointed out how sexy my voice was and said hey why not be a phone sex operator? I thought she was pulling my leg, there was no way I was going to talk to some crazy person on the phone like that. But after looking at the stack of bills on the table and my impending for closure if I didn’t do something fast, I decided to give it a try. I must have submitted a dozen applications and this one company WBMT LLC just stood out at me. When they called me back I was thrilled! Now for someone who has never done this before I was nervous and a little apprehensive at first but once I got use to the things and the skilled training of seasoned professionals to guide me along the way I can say I am hot to trot. Now I am not going to lie and say it’s the easiest job in the world but nothing in this world is and you really get out of it what you put in. There are some long hours and some crying along the way but if you stick with it you will see yourself flourish in the industry. Working for WBMT LLC has taught me so many things about friendship, sisterhood, hard work, and leadership. I work with some of the best girls in the world and I wouldn’t trade their love for anything in the world. You See WBMT is much more than a job it’s a family and they teach you so much that I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work for. This is not just my job but my family and I love it!