At Home Phone Operator Jobs Can be a Game Changer

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs are the only jobs a woman with no formal education or skills can make a decent living at and all from the comfort of her home. I barely graduated high school. And I live in a small rural town. My job choices were fast food, Walmart or a convenient mart/gas station. I tried baby sitting and pet sitting after Walmart turned into my worst nightmare. But the money just was not enough to support myself on.

One day as I was looking for at home jobs, I found this very site. And I applied. I had no clue about phone sex. Did not know how much I could make or what was expected of me either. Now, I needed to buy a computer to start this job. I used one in high school, so I knew how to check email and do basic surfing. And WBMT trained me on how to blog using Word Press and taught me about Google Docs.

I picked it all up. And after a few months I made more money in a week than I did in a month at Walmart. And without the commute, crazy folks and standing on my feet all day. So, for someone like me, phone sex has been a game changer.