Adult Phone Operator Jobs Pay Well

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs pay well. And bonus, you get to work from home. This may not be the sort of job anyone wants. But just hear me out. I used to laugh and say I could never do phone sex when my friend tried to get me to do this sort of thing. She did it when she was bedridden with her pregnancy. She needed money but she could not stand on her feet for long.

After my back surgery I was in a similar situation. I could not work for several months, but I bartended for a living. My place of employment said they would hire me back when I was ready to come back, but I never came back. Even though I told myself it was just for a few months, I got spoiled. The money was great. But what sold me was never needing to stand on my feet and carry heavy boxes of booze again. That’s what resulted in hurting my back in the first place.

So, after I healed, I never went back to bartending. Now, phone sex should be treated like a job, because it is a job. And like any other job you need to show up when scheduled and you need to follow some rules. You also need to blog. But if you can blog and show up when you schedule yourself, you can make an honest living without breaking your back.