I love being a phone sex operator. I have the freedom to set my own schedule. I get to work from home. Plus, I make awesome money. More money than many of my friends. I don’t want to make this sound like easy money though. This is a job like any other job. To make top dollar in the phone sex industry, you need to work many hours, be consistent in your hours and blog every day you work. Blogging is free advertising for yourself and is what brings callers to you. The more you blog, the more callers you get. I blog several times a day. A hot kinky story between 200-300 words several times a day will help you build your caller base and line your pockets with money. This is not the company nor the industry for lazy or unmotivated people. I make over $1000 a week. I didn’t always, however. It took three to four months of working 60 plus hours a week and blogging many times a day to build up my regulars. I still blog and work a lot of hours because there are always new guys to snag! This is a fun company to work for and one of the most profitable. We are drama free though. Join us hard working phone sluts and apply today.