Phone Chat Jobs Vary Greatly

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are not a dime a dozen. I know when I applied to phone sex companies years ago, I thought they were all more or less the same. Boy, did I get that wrong. There are two types of phone sex companies. Dispatch companies where you just answer your phone. A middle person fields the calls and bills your callers for you. And there are companies like WBMT which are called direct dial companies. And that means you answer your phone and bill the caller yourself.

However, a lot of differences still exist. Most dispatch companies pay less. And they require less of their contractors too. But at direct dial companies you usually get paid higher. And those companies like ours have more requirements. So, for the most part you need to choose between higher pay or fewer requirements.

Take our company for example. We pay up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. And that is considered above average for this industry. But we do require blogging on average 5 times a week. WBMT likely demands more from contractors than most pso companies. But the trade off is a much higher pay.

Most women who put in consistent hours and blog regularly usually make $1000 and up a week after a few months of consistency. And at most other companies girls are considered doing well if they make $500 a week.So, you need to ask yourself if you want a livable wage or less work. I chose wisely. And now I can pay all my bills on time and enjoy life too.