Phone chat jobs are great jobs not just for extra cash. When I applied last year after Thanksgiving, I had a full-time day job too. I was doing this just for extra money for the holidays. I thought it would be more fun tham doing retail and easier on my old body. But guess what? It has been over a year, and I am still here. My seasonal job turned into a full-time job. What I quickly learned was that I could make more money at phone sex than my other job. I learned also that it was much easier on me to work from home and set my own hours. I love being a phone sex operator. Now, it is important to your success to treat this as a real job. If you have a good worth ethic and are good with time management, you can do well in this kind of business. WBMT requires work to succeed. You need to blog, and you need to work at least 40 hours a week. You will learn quickly that the more you blog and the more hours you work are directly related to how much money you make. If you want a work from home job, you will not find one that makes you more money than phone sex.