Phone chat jobs are not for every woman. Our jobs require work. Likely, more work than most companies, but the payout is much higher than other jobs too. We are looking to hire PSOs who are not afraid to work to make their phones ring. The number one way to do that is by blogging. We require 15 blogs a week spread over 5 days to make the most money on your talk time that we offer. The top rate on your talk time is $1.10 a minute. The lowest is 20 cents. I know that is a big difference, right? I want to make the most money that I can on my talk time. Who wouldn’t? Now, we know not everyone can work 60 hours a week and that is required to also make $1.10 on your talk time. But you can work 40 hours and still make $1.00 a minute if you also blog 15 times over 5 days. WBMT is a great team to work for in this industry. All the rules and requirements are designed to help you make the most money you can. We are a small group, so it is a family feel. We have a contractor chat room,and we offer training for all new hires. We hire women for all shifts. Unlike some companies, we do require a schedule, but it’s the hours of your choice from week to week. I love working here. The women are nice and supportive. Plus, the pay is great.