Phone chat jobs are not for every woman. And our jobs are not for women who do not want to commit to a weekly schedule or blog daily. Not all phone jobs require what we do at WBMT, but not all phone jobs pay what we do either. The rules in place at WBMT are designed to help you make the most money and be the most productive you can be. Most pso companies do not require schedules, but we do. Now, it is a schedule you design from week to week, so you can work around your life. You just have to show up when you schedule hours. We do require blogging too. This is not a dispatch company. And that means you need to promote yourself. I love to blog because it is the single best way to make my phone ring and pad my paycheck. We are a no drama company too. Trust me, you will be grateful for that. Nothing worse than working with bitchy girls. None of that here, because catty or bitchy girls are let go immediately. I love working for WBMT. I make great money. I work with great girls. And I have zero drama or stress with my job. Join our team today.