Adult phone operator jobs are a great way to make money from home. I am talking a decent living too. When I joined the team at WBMT, I thought it would just be some extra income to help supplement the unemployment I was getting. I was furloughed from COVID. Honestly, I thought I would make tops a couple hundred dollars a week. Initially, it was slow for me, but as I blogged more and learned the ropes, I started getting more callers. After a few months of consistently blogging daily and working over 40 hours a week, I started making more than I was getting in unemployment. And 6 months later, I was making more than I did at my job before I was laid off. I do not think I will be going anywhere anytime soon. I love this job. WBMT Is drama free. WBMT has the highest per minute rate on talk time than any other company. That pay rate is structured differently too. You can earn up to a $1.10 per minute on your talk time based on your effort. Most companies making anything over $1 a minute is contingent on you making over 1,000 minutes. Here at WBMT the harder you work, the more you earn. Your earning potential is endless, but it is tied to hard work and consistency.