Phone sex jobs are the best work from home jobs. You can support your self with a PSO job. Before I applied to WBMT, I was over worked and under paid. I lived paycheck to paycheck and my credit score was horrible. I needed a new car, but I could not get a loan nor could I afford a car payment. After a few years of working at WBMT, I improved my credit score so much, I just got a $25,000 car loan and a nice new car. My first car loan and my first new car. I love what working at WBMT has done for my life. My finances are better. My mental state is better. I enjoy working here. There is no drama and I am treated like a team member. I work hard for my money. This is a direct dial company which means you must do your own advertising to make your phone ring. Blogging is free and the best way to get guy to call you. You must be able to blog to work here. A blog for WBMT is 200-300 words-a naughty sexy story. You need to write several per shift you work here to make top dollar. If you want to work from home, join our team today.