It can be tough finding your groove as a PSO, but this place is the ultimate platform when it comes to learning all the important things in order to succeed in this business. Nothing beats working from home and having the opportunity to be creative with your words and ideas. While making great money too! I came into this line of work because I had exhausted all other local avenues, and nobody was hiring! Well, minimum wage places were, however I enjoy my comfortable lifestyle and didn’t want to have to give it up. I found this place just in time and the money started rolling in almost instantly after training. I’m here to personally tell you that this is one of the best phone sex jobs you’ll ever find, and I want to share the wealth of that knowledge. I love encouraging other women when it comes to finding their independence. This place really offers that for me. The best thing about this job is you can move anywhere you like and boom, you still have a job. Many PSO companies don’t even offer training which can be very intimidating. My first company just threw me to the lions, and I found that to be rather counterproductive. You’ll get nothing but support here.