Phone sex jobs are extremely great opportunities when you find a good company. This industry has many shady companies and many that treat you as just a dollar sign. I have been in the Industry for a decade and been through a few companies before I found this one. I worked for one applied to many others and some just gave me a bad taste. I like being a PSO and after the first job in the field I thought about going off and doing it on my own. I am so glad I came across WBMTLLC when I did and saved myself many nightmares! This is a wonderful company ran by professionals that treat us with respect. Today the training and support is seriously exceptional with our company for this industry. I love my job here and would recommend it to any woman that was seeking financial freedom and in need of a lift in today’s workforce. You get support here, and training. We as women work together and not against each other, and trust me many companies push their employees to be catty, that is not allowed here. We are supportive and that is what is what makes us successful. I never thought I could achieve such independence working from home and that it would be so addictive. It’s mind blowing how phone sex is still quite popular and how much you can make doing this. If you want to be independent, and make good money you need not leave the house to do it. I love not commuting and worrying about getting to and from work in bad weather. I love that I can make good money and not have to worry about the cold, rain, snow or fuel costs or transport. Come join a wonderful family and make great money.