If you are looking for employment that offers freedom and allows you to feel empowered by giving you the guidance to grow to your full potential, then apply to WBMT LLC. Work for a company that offers you the tools -in regards to the skill set we train you with – to succeed and have financial freedom with the schedule that works best for you. Working from home has never been more rewarding. As an PSO for over a decade I could not be happier to have found such a great opportunity. I worked for another company for too long that did not support, train, nor pay as well as they do at WBMT LLC. Work for an owner and manager that know the industry, are compassionate, professional, and reliable. This opportunity, for me has helped me tremendously in being better, growing as an PSO and making a fabulous living. I could never thank them enough for this opportunity and feel my only obligation is to spread the word in how wonderful this company is. We earn top dollar here, but it does take time and patience, along with diligence and hard work to really succeed. Anyone who says this kind of work is for lazy people are out of their minds. It’s hard work, but it is honestly a lot of fun. If you are creative, love to write, maybe you are already a blogger but that really isn’t paying off. Here, we blog, it is the base in which we build up our income from, and the calls really come as a result of our blogging efforts. If you just want to sit and answer the phone and expect to make bank, then this is not the place for you. Stick to dispatch, here we blog, and we blog a lot. If this is something you enjoy doing then by all means apply. I love not having to commute and waste hours of my life commuting to a job tat I ultimately don’t like. I love that I can sleep up to like 15 minutes before I have to log in to my work and not even needing to worry about what to wear, the weather, how I feel or look for that matter. It’s a dream come true. No need to waste money on clothes and such to impress people I don’t like and to be uncomfortable in. As someone with social anxiety, suffering from eczema and migraines from chemicals and fragrances, I really found the perfect job. I don’t have to worry about flare ups and missing work. I can be in the comfort of my own environment and make a living. Maybe you have a chronic illness and this leads you to being unable to really work a regular job and earning potential. You work hard but just not always able to deal with the outside world due to a condition. If you have a good clear voice, are computer literate, and have access to a land line and a reliable internet connection, then you are good to go. It’s best to be reliable, honest and self-motivated. Don’t let an illness or disability keep you from your earning potential. This is really a low stress job that won’t mess with triggering a autoimmune diseases flare ups, we have girls with such and they work hard and make a great earning. Women here have college degrees and great education, some are in school working on their professional goals and choose this as an opportunity to make a good living while at it. I started the industry in my 30’s when I decided to go back to school and got my bachelors in IT/ Web development, but really loved what I do and stuck with it. I am living a great life and my earning potential is solely dependent on the efforts I put forth.