PSO jobs are great for women of all ages 18 and over. I am a mature woman. A grandma type. I didn’t think I could do phone sex because of my age. I wrongly assumed that only young teen girls were in this business. When I was hired, it was the beginning of the rest of my life. I had tons of jobs before, never sticking with a career for long because of my health. Jobs would work me to death and suck the joy out of my life. Working as a PSO is not a stressful job. I am in control of how many or how little I work. I set my own schedule. This is a great job for mature women because men love talking to mommies and grannies. Now, with that said, this job requires some skills beyond that of having a sexy voice. You need to have some basic computer skills because you are required to blog at WBMT. Blogging is the way to attract callers. Free advertising for yourself is how I look at it. Personally, I want to do whatever I can to make my phone ring. The pay scale is much higher for girls who blog 5 days a week. At WBMT your per minute rate on your talk time is determine by your effort. The more you work, the harder you work, the more you make. If you want the freedom to work at home, apply with us today.