PSO jobs saturate the Internet, so it is tough to decide which company to apply at. I will tell you, that I wish there was a site like this were PSOs could rave about their company to perspective future co-workers like you. I was not sure what companies had happy PSOs and which ones didn’t. I just got lucky that none of the other companies called me back. I am not usually a lucky girl. Honestly, I have had some dead-end jobs. I have had some good ones too, but those ended up working me to death because I was salaried. WBMT lets me work from home with hours I design from week to week. You don’t need to ask off here because you work around your appointments and fun time. You can work anywhere from 20-60 plus hours a week, but you pay varies based on how many hours you commit to in a week. I work 60 hours a week because that with daily blogging 5 times a week and some social media promoting will earn you $1.10 a minute on your talk time. You are paid by the minute of your talk time. This company has the highest payout in the industry, but because of that you do have to work beyond just answering phones. So, if you don’t mind blogging, apply now and start making money.