How to be a phone sex operator is not difficult, but how to be a successful one takes some work and dedication. Adult chat jobs aren’t easy money. Top earners in the business blog daily. They also work more than 40 hours a week. Since we work from home, working 40-60 hrs a week or more, is not hard to do. If I am home and awake, I am usually working. It took me awhile to find the right combination of blogging and hours to make what I could live comfortably on. Having a company like WBMT helps too. It is important to have a company that pays you half or more of your talk time. Some companies regardless of how hard you work, pay you like 30% of your talk time. WBMT is structured differently. Pay is best on your work effort and ethic. The more you blog, the more often you blog, the more hours you work, the higher rate you earn on your talk time. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute or as low as 20 cents a minute if you do absolutely nothing all week. Phone sex is lucrative, but only with a good company and only if a little hard work doesn’t scare you.