PSO jobs are financially rewarding only if you are a hard worker. Many women get into the industry and think the phone will just ring non-stop. Now, it may at some companies with super cheap prices, but you won’t make much money at those companies. WBMT is a cut above the rest. I have been in this industry for decades, and this is the best company I have worked for yet. I make very good money. In fact, I make more than my boyfriend and he is the one with the college degree. Here at WBMT, I blog daily to make the phone ring. The phone doesn’t ring if I don’t. Well, it doesn’t ring as much. I have been at companies that didn’t require blogging and ones that do and trust me, blogging is the best way to bring guys to you. If you can’t see yourself writing a few blogs a day, this is not the company for you. You will make money, but not as much as other girls who blog daily.WBMT has a higher earning potential than other companies and because of that, they require more work. But all the things we are asked to do here, make the phone ring, so you won’t mind!