I love being a phone sex operator. I work from home and set my own hours weekly. Seriously, this is a great gig for women good with unstructured time. I have always had traditional jobs, so working hard is not foreign to me. I think some women have a misconception about this type of work. It is not about sitting around all day waiting for the phone to ring. You need to do things to make your phone ring. You need to blog several times a day. That is not hard to do. I post my blogs at the start of my shift, and the phone starts to ring. I don’t want to make it sound like a cake walk job because it isn’t. The women in this industry that make good money, money to sustain themselves, work a lot of hours a week, blog and always answer the phone happy and alert. It takes a while to build regular callers. I almost gave up after a week because I didn’t make much. I am so glad I didn’t give up. It just takes a month or so to really see your bank account grow. And if you don’t like your pay check, the next week you blog more and work more. This is a job with a lot of room to grow. Join our team of hardworking women.