Phone sex jobs are financially rewarding for hard workers. There are lots of companies that require nothing from you but for you to answer your phone. We are not one of those companies. WBMT is for hard workers. This company has a higher pay out per minute for any company in this business, but you need to commit to a weekly schedule, blog daily and vote for our sites on some phone sex advertising places. We have daily and weekly things to do to earn up to a $1.10 a minute. You can do nothing here, but you will make 20 cents a minute. This is not the right fit for girls who just want to answer the phone when they want to answer the phone. I don’t mind committing to 50 plus hours a week because I set my own schedule from week to week. I am working from home, which makes it easier to work more than 40 hours. No commute. No prep time for work. I love writing, so blogging a few times a day is no problem either. This company is designed to reward and encourage hard work. Why work at a company where you work 10 times harder for your minutes but get paid the same as those girls who do nothing? That is not the case here. You will be rewarded for working hard.