Your voice earns you more than a career

phone sex operatorHere are the reasons I love being a phone sex operator. First and foremost, I get to work from the comfort of my own home. I get to wear what I want, have my hair any way I want and i get to use the bathroom without alerting the entire office of my need to pee. There is a freedom that I feel because I get to work from the comfort of my favorite place, my home. I am allowed to listen to the music I love and watch my favorite shows when I am not on a call, I can make myself food instead of trying to shovel my lunch done in a super short lunch. There is so many perks I could list, its just awesome.

Now while I have all of these freedoms, you must understand that I work by butt off too. I do this willingly because I love the freedoms that come with my career choice. While I enjoy all of my freedoms, you must remember that choosing to e a PSO is also like any other job, you Have to Put the Work into It. You will need to follow the rules and keep up your end to enjoy all of the awesome things that come along with being a PSO.

I will say this, I have never worked for a company that is as amazing as WBMT. They care about their employees, we are a family, we care about each other as well. The girls are amazing and the owner goes the extra mile for you without hesitation. All you have to do is keep up your end and you can also enjoy great hours, the ability to work from home, the freedom of working from home and being in control of your own paycheck.