PSO Jobs Pay the Bills

pso jobsPSO jobs pay the bills and leave you extra for fun! When I first became a PSO I had no clue how much money I could make. I just needed some income until I could find another job. The company I worked at for years went bankrupt, and the unemployment check wasn’t paying the bills. I had a friend whose sister was a PSO, so I investigated it. I applied at a few companies, but WBMT called me first. After a few months of working my ass off, I discovered I could make better money from home than I could at any retail type job. I stopped looking for other jobs because I was enjoying the money I was making. I think you will enjoy the money too and the freedom to set your own hours. You can work around your social life and commitments. I am not a morning person and thanks to this job, I don’t have to be one. I don’t want to make it sound like a cake walk because to make a decent income you to need to work 40 plus hours a week and blog daily, but what you do in between calls is up to you. You can read, watch tv, clean, even work out. I am so glad I looked into this kind of work. It changed my life. Maybe it will change yours too?