Being a PSO

I have been a PSO for several years. I have tried many companies out there. And they are NOT all the same. I can honestly say that WBMT is the BEST company I have ever worked for. I have been here almost 3 years. I get paid every week. I like the girls I work with. We have a company chat room and there is NO cattiness or ugliness allowed. It is a great work environment. We have a great boss.  I use to work for wally world. It was a terrible job. I hated it. My bosses were rude. The pay was terrible and the work was super hard.  At WBMT I have the ability to make good money. More than double what I use to make.  And all I have to do is log in and blog a lot. Let me tell you. Blogging in the comfort of my home with a movie on in the back ground is so much better than stocking the grocery section of wally world.  PLUS I make make so much more money. The key to being a Phone sex operator is blogging and being logged into work. It is simple. The blogs advertise you to potential callers. And being logged in means you are available when the guys call. If you dont want to blogs or you only want to work 2 or 3 hours a day. This is NOT the job for you. If you are one of those people who are willing to work to make money. This is the perfect job for you. I am the sole provider for my family. And this is the ONLY job I have. I am not some super PSO. I don’t have the best voice ever. I just stay logged in and blog. It is that simple.


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