Ask Yourself How to be a Phone Sex Operator with Us

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I am here to tell you that you should. Phone sex is a great work from home opportunity. There are other at home jobs like working for Amazon, but from experience, you would never make in a month there what you can make in a week here. This was supposed to be a temporary job until I found something in my field. I was not trained to be a phone sex woman. No one says they want to do this when they are a little girl, but it is a legitimate job. There is no shame in being a phone sex operator. It is a job like any other job. I work hard at this because I want to make the most money that I can. I don’t want to just get by. I want to thrive. And, I thrive at WBMT. It is in part because I work hard but it is also part working for a kick ass company. WBMT invests time and training into girls it hires. The owner of the company is a former PSO herself. She designed her company to achieve what many companies she worked for failed to do. This company requires work to be successful. My wonderful boss knows that just sitting by your phone won’t make it ring, so daily blogging and self-promotion are encouraged. You can choose to never blog, but you won’t make as much per minute on your talk time that way. I choose to blog daily and do some other things that help bring in callers. I also choose to work 60 hours a week because working from home is easy. Now, girls who don’t want to do anything but answer the phone can make .20 cents a minute on their talk time. But, if you work harder like me, you can make up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. You can make as little or as much as you want at WBMT. My co-workers are fabulous too. Apply today and join our team.