Phone chat jobs are the best; especially if you have health issues. I have a chronic health condition that made working in the normal job force challenging. Although I qualified for Social Security, I wouldn’t have made enough to live on comfortably, so I began looking for work at home opportunities. Phone sex was not a job I thought I would ever take, but here I am almost four years later. I make more money than I did in the traditional workforce from the comfort of my home. I love working from home. It is less stressful with no commute and no worry about what I am I going to wear today. This is a great company to work for too. It is female owned and operated. The owner worked in this business for years before starting her own company. She knows the pitfalls of working as a PSO and has designed a company to avoid those pitfalls. We can set our schedule, work more hours if we wish too and we are paid on time weekly. This job requires consistency in hours, daily blogging and a drama free attitude. It is not the job for everyone. But, if you can commit to a schedule and daily blogging, you will find this the best job you ever had.