Finding the right job has always been a struggle. I’m disabled, and sitting at my desk in an office with no breaks for eight hours has always been tough. I end up burning out after just a month or two, which is why for the last five years, I’ve only been working temp jobs part-time and making a pittance. My husband and I had been struggling since we’d met, and before I’d started this job, I was working about 5 hours a week for $9/hour. Not much of an income there!
We needed a change. We got to joking one day about how sultry my voice could be, and he said, “Well, why don’t you be a phone sex operator?” I thought he was joking at first, but we’d talked about it in the past. People had always jokingly told me I should be a phone sex operator, so I thought, maybe this would be a good fit! I Googled “How to be a phone sex operator” and I found a site that listed a bunch of different options for phone sex jobs. There were a bunch of different jobs available, but when I compared the pay rate to other phone sex jobs out there, WBMT looked like the best.
So when I applied and they called me back, I was thrilled! I’ve been here four months, and the biggest thing I’ve learned? You get out of it what you put into it. You need to work work work – this is not an easy job and not for a lazy gal. So, yes, I don’t have to sit at my desk for eight hours at a stretch, but when I get up to lay down in bed, I take my phone with me, and I take my tablet so I can blog. As a result, I work FAR more hours than I ever did when I was working for Corporate America, and I feel far healthier than I ever did before!
Plus, I love working from home! I can bug out for a few minutes to drop off or pick up my husband from the train station, take care of and play with my new kitten & older cat, make sure dinner is ready in time, keep the house clean, even watch a movie or play a computer game for a while if that’s what I want to do! But time I’m doing that is time I’m not writing, so that’s less income I make, so I always keep that in mind if I’m choosing to not write.
But the best thing I’ve learned about this job? It’s a sisterhood. I’ve worked for a number of companies that are fully staffed by woman, and they tend to be catty or there tends to be one woman or two who are just the head bitch that you just want to avoid. Not here. EVERYONE is nice, helpful, caring, and awesome! I love the women here, and everyone is so glad to work here, especially the long-time girls and the ones that used to work for other PSO companies. WBMT really is the best company out there!
Hope to meet you soon!