I am a phone sex operator!

Another fabulous employee comment :

I get asked constantly how to be a phone sex operator. Most people don’t understand what a phone sex operator is. They think I just lay in bed all day moaning. WRONG. They think the whole phone sex thing is dead. WRONG. And most people think anybody can be a phone sex operator. WRONG.  It takes more than a sexy voice and a wicked moan.  This is an ACTUAL job. You have to keep excellent records. You have to be able to blog. You have to put time in to build your clientele.  Your customer service skills have to be excellent. After all… If your customers are not satisfied. You did not do your job! That means listening to what the customer wants. And giving it to him. Being creative will ensure he calls over and over again. But it starts by listening to what he wants. I love being a phone sex operator. I love the girls I work with. I love the fact I can work in my pajamas. AND I love the fact I make more money than any job I have EVER had!  Of course I work hard.  And the harder you work the more you make. Every blog you put out brings in calls. So the more blogs you do, the more money you make. You have to be “logged in” to earn money. So the more time you log in. The more chance you have to make money.  It is so simple. And so easy. The more you work your job. The more money you make. I love that!  WBMT is company I work for. I have worked for MANY companies. There are bad ones out there. WBMT is by far the best company I have EVER worked for. I make REAL money. There is NO Cattiness with the other employees. I LOVE my boss. She is a GREAT person. I was incredibly lucky to get hired here! And I will NEVER leave! Of course not everyone who applies will get hired. WBMT only takes the best. Thank goodness. So if you are looking for a good company to work for. I suggest you fill out the application like it is a REAL job. Why would you be a benefit to this company is NOT because you like sex. Or you lik to fuk. Why would anybody hire someone who can not spell or speak properly for a real job? Especially when every blog you put out is reflective on WBMT.  Thank goodness for spell checker or I would not have made it myself! And that is my advise. Treat it like a real job. And make Real money!  Easy fun and lucrative! If you can get in. :0) https://wbmttphonesexjobs.com/

Life of a PSO

Thoughts from one of our employees ~

Never in a million years would I have imagined becoming a phone sex operator. I was in school obtaining my BS in Paralegal and have worked restaurant management all my life. But when my husband fell ill, working out side of my home became impossible. Still needing to make a decent living but needing to be by his side I began to explore work from home jobs. I found out fast that a lot of these jobs wanted money up front to start and were just scams. And then I found a link for phone sex jobs. I thought “Why not, how hard could it be to answer a phone and talk dirty?” So I began to put in applications. There are phone sex jobs out there that ask for money to start but the reputable ones do not. My first PSO job was a disaster, the training was next to nothing and I spent a lot of time, new to the industry, trying to make a living, only to find it wasn’t working. You see there is more to being a phone sex operator than just answering the phone. But, just like any other job, unless you are taught the ins and outs, you have no clue and can’t do a good job. Then I found FuckaliciousFreaks and things changed quickly. The management took time to train me and teach me all the nuances of the job and industry. They instructed me in the most effective ways to blog and how to gain google ranking so clients could find me when they searched the internet for a good fit. There are a lot of tricks to the trade that you need to know in order to be successful and you do have to put an effort in, doing more then just answering the phone. But I love the flexibility that this job affords, the ability to work from the comfort of my own home, or with the right equipment, to be able to take my job on the road and work while I travel. I don’t have to buy work uniforms or clothes, I don’t spend money commuting to and from work or buying lunches every day. I spend most of my time logged in even if I am not sitting at my computer working, my phone line is on and accepting calls. I am now widowed and on my own and I make enough money to support myself without stress. With hard work and dedication this line of work can and will afford you a good living. If your dependable, not afraid of hard work and looking for a job where you can work from home this might be a good fit for you too.

Wishing you the best of luck.~Cindy

My first and last PSO job


From another great employee!!


Last Spring, I moved to a new city for my health. I have a chronic health condition that requires a  warmer climate to best function. Plus, I needed a more affordable city as my medical bills were mounting. My illness has prevented me from maintaining a typical 9-5 job for several years now.  I struggled getting my pet sitting business going in my new city. Bills were mounting, my checking account was negative, I was sacrificing necessary medicines for food, and I was in danger of having my cell phone, as well as some utilities, disconnected. I was desperate for work. I did a search for phone sex jobs. I decided that it was the sort of job I could handle. I have always had an open mind about all things sexual. I was confident that men would enjoy my sexy mature voice and my creative mind.

It can be overwhelming and scary looking through all the phone sex company ads. I did research to see which companies had the best reputation for being drama free and paying their employees well and on time. WBMT was my first application, and the rest is history. I can’t imagine working at any other company. I am a mature woman, so I understand that being self employed requires a certain amount of discipline and dedication to be successful. I had no illusions of instant money.  But, with hard work and due diligence to the key aspects of the job like daily blogging, a consistent schedule and good customer service, I knew I could thrive as an independent contractor.

After a month of being a PSO, my bank account was no longer seeing red; I was paying bills in advance, not late; I was eating better and no longer sacrificing meds I needed for quality of life; and, I had extra money to enjoy things like mani/pedis, concerts and movies that had eluded me for months. Although I am highly educated, and never saw myself as being a phone sex operator, I can’t imagine another job now. I work from the comfort of my home, have no silly drama that plagues most office environments, have a female boss who is both  generous and supportive, and I make good honest money.

If you have an open mind, a desire to make good money from home, and an understanding that this job requires more than a pretty face and a sexy voice to be successful,  I assure you, you will not find a better company to work for. Fill out an application and discover what I did, that WBMT empowers women to be successful.


Working for WBMT


Another great letter from one of our employees

I first started out as a phone sex operator I was searching all over the Internet for information. Which company is the best? Everyone claims to be the best, but what I should have asked myself was “which company is the best for me?” and really answered it honestly. I needed a company that was going to give me the freedom to work at my own pace and reward me for going above and beyond because I like to feel like my hard work means something. I wasted a lot of time with the wrong PSO companies and I am so glad that I found WBMT.   Their laid back atmosphere allows you to really work for you. You get out exactly what you put into your work. We’re rewarded for our ground work and working the lines. If you are a self motivated person and you can truly work without the need for someone to be on your back your entire shift then this is definitely where you need to be. Hard work truly pays here, so if you can’t get the work done you will surely see that reflect on your pockets.

If you haven’t done so already make sure you do as many searches and reviews of as many PSO companies that you can find. There’s plenty of them out there and no one company is like the other, find what fits for you because what we love doing here might not be your cup of tea. Remember you’ll always have to sacrifice something to get what you want. If you’re looking for a higher rate of pay you’re going to have to bust that pretty little ass of yours. Maybe you’re someone who doesn’t like to work to hard? You’ll have to give up a little bit of that pocket change to truly get your way. Above it all go for what’s right for you, I’m a college kid and WBMT is just right for me.


A very rewarding phone sex opportunity

From one of our employees….


After working as a phone sex operator with a different company for 8 years I had no idea what I was missing. With that said I did feel out some other companies which did not quite jive with what I was expecting. I came across WBMT, and decided to give it a try.
Working here has been awesome, and it is where you truly get out what you put in type of thing. We blog, and blog as much as possible as that is where your effort pays off in your call volume. Just chill and write while being ready to answer your phone and let the sexy begin.
Just imagine, no rush hour traffic, inclement weather conditions or worrying about the cost of fuel for your commute. One thing I love is how I can dress as trashy or wear as little as I want and not get the disciplinary actions from some limp dick boss. Yep, I can wear my lingerie or that favorite sheer blouse and those shorts that were never suitable for work.
Ladies if you are looking to find a career that requires effort for a payoff that is well worth it check us out. I will say it can become one of the best pay scale for this position out there if you are willing to work for it. But let me be clear, if you want quick money, well this may not be the gig for you. This is a very unpredictable industry in that there will be slow periods for you while others seem busy and vice versa.
If you have patience, creativity, love writing and love sex then you should totally give this a try. It can be a very rewarding career for the effort which you benefit from though it may not be immediate, and that is where patience comes in.