Phone sex operator – perks of being your own boss

Another girl who loves her job as a PSO with WBMT…

I would say the greatest thing about working here is the power to be your own boss , the art to be creative, the strength to lead and the love of a family that support and guide you along the way these are the greatest attributes of working at WBMT LLC. Sure it gets frustrating sometimes but nothing well obtained isn’t a little bothersome. I like the flexibility of working at home so I don’t have to beat traffic in the morning where I reside. I think that’s one of the biggest things. There are days that being a phone sex operator can be very challenging…
Those are the days I take a deep breath prepare my writing submissions and yes sometimes cry. There is nothing like a good cry that cleanses the soul and gives you the determination to trudge forward and be better! When I am not preparing my submissions I have the time to clean the house, talk to my neighbors children and influence their lives, and work on a project that is very dear to my heart. The one thing that sticks out the most is the time I can prepare studying for exams and other school things and taking the time to reflect on classes. Being a college student is pretty hectic, this gives me the time needed for study and creativity.
I will say this again you have to work hard to make it work for you but once you find that angle that glitch that keeps the spark in you to drive to succeed you start to pick up regular consumers like any other business. In fact this is your business and in order to be successful you have to work hard at it.Sure its frustrating, hard work at times but you have a team of supportive individuals that hug and get you back on top! These are your family future candidates and the best reason to apply here. The support they give you rises you to the top!

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