The Best phone Company Ever!

Being an adult is hard! As a mother of 2 I found myself in that endless cycle of working, putting my kids to bed and getting back up to do it all again. My employeer did not appreciate me and my children did nothing but miss me. On top of that it seemed like everytime I turned around my boyfriend was loosing his job, making my tiny paycheck our main source of income. When we did both work it was like an entire person’s money went to paying for childcare and gas! So when I got sick and was unable to return to work you could imagine we were hurting pretty bad. That is when my boyfriend watched this movie about some phone sex operators who make their own company and suggest I look it up. A quick search on google for PSO Jobs and I found myself diving head deep into a giant well of information. Not only was phone sex still around (which I thought it was dinosaur aged), but it was a thriving industry. So after a little bit more research I put in tons of applications. I had a few interviews and then this company found me. I was torn and decided to pick WBMT LLC as my first phone sex operator company. The owner was honest from the beginning, it takes time to build up clients. You have to work when your at work. It is more then just moaning and groaning on the phone. It is being able to tell a story. Paint a picture for our clients needs, the majority which are pretty cool. It is no taboo, like real no taboo. I did not know if I could handle that at first, but I did just fine. Now, I have moved into a bigger house and can afford the bills without struggling for my whole family, all four of us, and I don’t need any outside help. This is an amazing company and I am thankful for all that they have taught me. I will forever be grateful for the career opportunity they provided me with.

Good Luck
And May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Haley <3

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