PSO Jobs

Looking for phone sex jobs?  I really got lucky last year when I started  searching for work at home jobs.  I got diagnosed with a chronic health condition several years ago, which was making it hard for me to maintain a 9-5 job.  I had missed a lot of work, I was behind in all my bills, my checking account was over drawn and my cell was about to be turned off. I needed a work from home job that paid well.  When I Googled at home opportunities, phone sex came up as the number one job for women. I had a roommate once who was a PSO, and she made good money. That was years ago, however.  I knew the industry had changed. Many more phone sex companies around now, so I did my research.  Not all phone sex companies are created equally. You need to pay attention to the Better Business Bureau reports and Ripoff.Com. WBMT had a good reputation among past employees and clients, so that is where my application went first. The rest is history.

Now, I can’t imagine working for any other company. I set my own hours; I have the ability to earn money not just through calls but through blogging and contests  too. I work in a drama free environment for a female owned and operated company. In between calls, my time can be spent anyway I please: video games, cleaning, blogging, watching TV, having sex with my boyfriend, reading….

I’m an educated woman. The stereotype of a PSO is of a lazy woman who cannot do anything else because she is pretty but not smart. Smart women recognize that a well paying work at home job is the best choice she could make.  I can travel, go to concerts, pay my bills, eat out and buy myself new clothes and Starbucks daily.  I work from my home in comfy clothes. I have zero drama to contend with at work. I have a female boss who has her employees’  back. And, the best part,  I have unlimited earning potential. If you want a great job where you can make great money, look no further. I am in my forties, and being a phone sex operator is the best job I have ever had. I have lots of fun while making good money. I have made wonderful life long friends. And, I am stress free. Apply now, you can thank me later.

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