Phone sex operator job applications!!

Being a Phone Sex Operator is all about good customer service. If you like talking about sex and are willing to talk about everything under the sun and I mean everything, then this might be a good job for you. However it’s not all fun and games. There are things that you will talk about that make you want to shower after, but its apart of the job. Being a pso is acting, just with some weird roles. You won’t please every caller but there are some who will call you every week if they like you. Call’s are not the only thing that matters. Here at WBMT we blog for our money. Each blog you write is a way to promote your character and a way to make more money. Blog about your call’s, guys love reading about what they have done to you or with you. There are so many ways to make good money as a pso you just have to be willing to work for it. Starting out is hard, you are new to the site and some guys like to call the new girls. If you really want to have a awesome first week, blog! The more you blog and the more often you work the better your paycheck is going to be. Working from home is a challenge in itself. You need discipline! Wbmt has so much to offer and it is so easy to make the most money for your minutes! You just have to want your money and if you want it you are going to work for it!

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