Phone sex Jobs

I am a phone sex operator. I have been a PSO for 5 years now.  I wont lie to you. This is not some easy sit at home and watching movies and playing games and still make money. It is NOT like that. There are companies out there that you just answer the phones and do nothing else.  But you are not going to make any money at them. I love the company I work for. And I WORK for the money I earn. But I make good money. More than double what I made at my full time stocker job. But I work for it. I blog as much as possible. Its not hard. It takes a few hours a day. That is it. I also stay logged in when ever I am home. And I get calls. If you are expecting to work 3 hours a day logged in and make money. That is not going to happen. This is an actual job. I pay all my bills. I am the sole supporter of my family.  I put in 50 hours a week sometimes more if I need to make more money. I love the fact I can control how much I make. The more blogs I put out. The more I make. It is that simple.  Being a PSO is NOT hard. And the more time you put in. The more money you make. So If you hate working your ass off. And never getting ahead. This is the perfect job for you. The more you work. The more you make.

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