Being a Phone Sex Operator Lets You Live Life

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator is rewarding work. Maybe not the same kind of reward as being a social worker or a nurse, but it is a legitimate work from home opportunity. You can feel good about keeping a roof over your head and food on the table.  I find that working from home allows me to multitask. I can clean, do laundry, make phone calls during the in between moments.  I love the freedom of working form home. I have no commute. I need to spend zero-time primping for work. WBMT allows me to design my own schedule from week to week. I never have to ask for time off. I can just schedule around date nights with my man or doctors’ appointments. I have a social life, yet I still work over 60 hours a week. When you work from home, you can easily work more hours and still feel like you work less than your partner or friends do. Phone sex is a job, so you do need to do some work to be successful money wise, but you will find the work is nothing in comparison to what your partner does for his or her job.  So maybe we aren’t saving mankind, but we are making a decent living and enjoying life.